As we continue to take stock of the year 2024, this is the second part of the highlights at the Belarusian National Technical University from July till December.
Already on July 12 the main stage of submission of documents for admission to higher education institutions started, and on July 23, 26 and August 3 there were open sessions of the admission committee on enrollment of applicants for training at the expense of the national budget according to the results of the CE/CT, entrance examinations and on payment terms. Thus, 3162 full-time and 951 part-time students became BNTU students.
Besides, in July two professors of the Polytechnic celebrated their 75th anniversary: Head of the Economics and Logistics Department, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Economic Sciences Roman Ivut and foreign member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences Anton Vavilov.
Besides scientific activities, Polytechnic can boast of sporting successes. For example, on August 10, the winners and medalists of the weightlifting competition as part of the Olympic Games in Paris were awarded. As part of the national team of the Republic of Belarus, a high result was shown by a graduate of BNTU Evgeny Tikhontsov, who became a bronze medalist in the category of 102 kg.
In August the relations with the People's Republic of China were also actively improving, and on August 20 two meetings with the delegation of China were held: representatives of the China Technology Development and Specialist Exchange Company to discuss the prospects of academic and scientific-technical cooperation and representatives of the China Technology Transfer Center of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization member states to discuss the prospects of mutually beneficial cooperation with higher education institutions of the Republic of Belarus.
Next, on August 29, a delegation from the Xuyanhuaqi Technological Vocational University visited the Belarusian National Technical University to open a joint educational program in mechatronics, which ended with a grand opening of the program and the signing of an agreement.
International relations have also improved with the Republic of Uzbekistan. BNTU Rector Sergey Kharitonchik with Pavel Shirvel, Dean of the Faculty of International Cooperation, and Nina Kusmerskaya-Myalik, Director of the BNTU sanatorium-preventorium “Polytechnik”, visited Fergana Polytechnic University and Andijan Mechanical Engineering Institute.
September started with two bright events at once: there was a solemn ceremony “Freshman of BNTU - 2024”, where the new academic year was launched, and the opening ceremony of the Center for Technical Hydromechanics and Hydraulic Machines at the Department of Hydraulic and Power Engineering Construction, Water Transport and Hydraulics of the Faculty of Power Engineering took place.
Anyone could plunge into the atmosphere of Chinese culture on September 26. It was on this day in the main building of BNTU the celebration of the World Day of Confucius Institutes took place. At the event for guests were organized thematic zones, unusual interactives and master classes.
Closer acquaintance with the university and facilitate adaptation to new conditions first-year students were able to on September 27 at the event-presentation “PolyQuest”. It was attended by 18 teams, each of which excelled in speed and performance of tasks. The best team was the team of the Faculty of Transport Communications.
On the same day, the BNTU activists had a unique opportunity to ask President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko any question of interest from various spheres of life at the “Open Microphone with the President”.
The Faculty of Marketing, Management, Entrepreneurship celebrated its 30th anniversary. In honor of this, from October 2 to 4, a number of events were held to mark it: seminar, conference, round table, sports events, concert, awarding and solemn meeting of the Faculty Council.
In addition, a number of annual events took place in October: “Battle of the Faculties - 2024” held from October 7 to 11, ‘Polytechnic Vigilantes Cup - 2024’ held from October 17 to 18, and ‘Our Home - Dormitory’ (October 30).
Another significant annual event is the competition “Student of the Year BNTU - 2024”. Each of the finalists demonstrated their talents and skills, and the winner was a student of the Faculty of Management, Marketing, Entrepreneurship Ksenia Korteleva, who was awarded the honorary title “Student of the Year of the capital ONLINE” at the city stage of the competition “Student of the Year of the capital”.
The month also pleased with the meeting of Polytechnic students with cosmonauts Oleg Novitsky and Marina Vasilevskaya. Each of the attendees asked questions about space and flight, and Oleg Novitsky and Marina Vasilevskaya willingly answered them and shared their experience.
Besides the Faculty of Management, Marketing and Entrepreneurship, the Confucius Institute of Science and Technology celebrated its anniversary in October. To congratulate the Institute with the anniversary came guests of honor, including representatives of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China and the North-Eastern University. As part of the celebration, festive events were held on October 22 and 23: the grand opening ceremony, robotournament, Confucius Institute of Science and Technology Management Council, negotiations between BNTU and North-Eastern University and a festive concert. The end of the festive program was the planting of a friendship tree on the territory of the sanatorium-preventorium BNTU “Polytechnic”.
On October 27, the Open Doors Day was held for career guidance and an opportunity to learn all about the Belarusian National Technical University, faculties and specialties from teachers and students.
The beginning of the month can be characterized by the beginning of a new format of the city informational and educational project “Student Open Knowledge”. The very first dialog platform of this format was held on November 6 on the topic “The influence of social networks on society and youth” with Andrei Krivosheev, Director General of the Minsk-News Agency. Andrei Krivosheev, further dialog platforms were held on various topics and each speaker, participating in them, shared his experience, knowledge and willingly answered the questions of students.
On November 12, in the concert hall of the National Center for Artistic Creativity of Children and Youth the awarding ceremony of the winners and runners-up of the Republican Universiade 2023/24 academic year took place. The Belarusian National Technical University took the first place among 38 teams.
This year the project “School of Young Scientists”, which started last year, was held at BNTU from November 11 to 15. Each day was filled with informative seminars, lectures and discussions of important topics in scientific activity.
The end of November was the awarding ceremony of participants and winners of the XVIII Interuniversity Student Film Competition “VideoRadius BNTU - 2024”. In total, more than 80 videos from 17 universities of the country were sent to participate in the competition. The jury had a difficult task to distribute the places and decide who would get the grant of the President of the Republic of Belarus.
This month, on December 6, two departments celebrated their anniversary: “Economics and Logistics” its 55th anniversary since its establishment and “Customs” its 20th anniversary. In honor of the anniversaries were held festive celebrations in the assembly hall of the main building and 11a building BNTU.
In a couple of days, on December 10, the Belarusian National Technical University turned 104 years old, and on October 13 at the solemn meeting of the BNTU Council the countdown to the 105th anniversary of its foundation was started.
December can also boast of successful scientific activity, because in this month it became known that Konstantin Bykov and Nadezhda Popkova were among the scholarship holders of the Presidential Fund for their developments.
The most active BNTU students on December 19 were honored to become participants of the BNTU Students' Christmas Ball, where the rector of BNTU awarded 37 students for social and cultural life of the university and named the king and queen of the ball.
A couple of days later, on December 24, 11 students who achieved high results in studies, science, cultural, sports and social activities, attended the Republican New Year Ball for young people.
The list of the brightest moments in Polytechnic for 2024 is over. We congratulate everyone with the New Year and look forward to new meetings and bright events in 2025 at the Belarusian National Technical University!